white male actor responds to Patricia Clarkson's criticism of white male actors

- last week Actual Goddess Patricia Clarkson gave an interview with The Guardian and said some things we're all thinking

“A white male actor should never be allowed to complain about anything. Shut up and sit in the corner. I mean, seriously!"

- and she responded to a Game of Thrones' actor's concerns that there's a "sexist double standard"

"He’s a sex symbol,” Clarkson scoffs. “Get over it. You have an amazing career and you’re on a hot show. Take your shirt off.”

- someone asked Frank Tenney about this i guess because he is a white male actor who sometimes appears shirtless (or completely naked tbh) and he had some feelings on the matter

"I would never complain about that. It's a non-issue from a societal standpoint. You can have an individual problem with getting your kit off, but you can't say it's a problem for attractive men. Look, the world treats me autonomously, as it does other men. The industry treats me as the norm, what is expected. I never have to flip through a script wondering why I've got so few lines as compared to the women, or the men and women of colour. I have no fears going out on my own, whatever time of the night. Photographers or directors asking me to get shirtless is not the same thing, doesn't have the same context as actresses being asked - or told, in some situations - to get naked. Women's bodies are treated as a commodity in society, not just the entertainment industry. I will quite happily sit in the corner. It's a corner long occupied by the non-male and non-white contributors to this line of work. You're out of fucking touch if you're in a position like mine and complaining about it. And that's not a, 'be grateful for the opportunity' dismissal, because that's what we've been saying to women and minorities since the beginning. Nah. I don't buy it. I'm with Patty Clarkson."

- while men continue to not be shit, some of them appear to be okay.

guardian interview and source 2